Game Overview

Squallwind is a 2.5D adventure game where you step into the paws of our little squirrel buddy. Your mission? Prepare for the oncoming storms by collecting acorns and seeking shelter – but don’t forget to bury some for the winter! Stay sharp and watch your stamina, or you’ll run out of breath before the storm blows through.


Let's see where you are after the game!

  • Successfully plant 0 trees - Feast tier.
  • Successfully plant 10 trees - Silver tier.
  • Successfully plant 20 trees - Gold tier.
  • Successfully plant 30 trees - Platinum tier.
  • Successfully plant 50 trees - Diamond tier.
  • Successfully plant 100 trees - Developer tier. (Wow, a hacker!)

Core Mechanisms

As a squirrel you can run, jump, glide, and put nuts in your mouth!

You can also hide and dig acorns anywhere.

But most importantly, you need to survive in the storm.

How to play

  • Move: Use WASD or arrow keys to scurry around.
  • Jump: Space bar to hop to new heights and gliding in the air!
  • Dig: Hold X to dig holes to store your acorns.
  • Dig Up: Hold C to dig up buried acorns.
  • Eat: Press F to munch on an acorn for that extra stamina boost.
  • Shelter: Get close and press E during a storm to hunker down in shelter.
  • Team members

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